Winstanly Community Plan

Development Corporation
Sinai Developer desires to redevelop the Winstanley Park neighborhood into an identifiable community that includes housing, community services and neighborhood business. The work will include limited renovation of some existing structures, new attached and detached single family housing units, new commercial/retail space, neighborhood park space, ball fields and playground space and expansion of Mt. Sinai Community Center and Church. A map of the Project Area which illustrates the proposed Development Project is attached to Schedule B-1.
The urban core of East St Louis is in dire need of restoration with many miles of vacant lots and unused buildings spread throughout the area. This “empty” look has been created by a mass exodus from the city and has resulted in a feeling of hopelessness for those who remain. There is an uncommon need for strategic investment in the restoration of these neighborhoods and communities. We believe viable, long-term systematic change will only occur through the mobilization of community resources, and that people are the essential resource.
We also realize that this kind of sustainable systemic change happens one neighborhood at a time. Our initial focus is a portion of the Winstanley Community: bounded by Martin Luther King Avenue (Illinois Avenue) to the north, 15th Street to the east, Missouri Avenue to the south and 10th Street to the west. We are involved in this neighborhood, as our Church is located on St. Louis Avenue the main thoroughfare in this neighborhood and a partnership with the New Salem Baptist District Association to build a low-income senior housing unit across the street from our Church. The first phase of single –family housing, Sinai Village was developed on the 12 00 and 1300 Blocks of Martin Luther King and Cleveland. We will continue to address the problems in this target area. This intentional step-by-step method has borne much fruit and we are beginning to see it spark broader interest in restoring the community we serve.


Winstanley Kickoff Interviews Highlights Video

Thank You Pastor Herman L. Watson

Winstanly Development
Coming Soon
Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church, residents, community partners, government officials, banks and financial institutions, and foundations along have approved the Winstanley Community development plan that will align planning, investments, and partnerships for the next 20 years as the official guiding document for land use, zoning, public realm, residential vitality, economic mobility, and social wellbeing. The area is bounded by State Street to the north, 10th Street to the west, E. Broadway to the south, and 21st Street to the east.-Brian Hurd

Community & Plan
Design Principles
Sinai Village will consist of the following: single-family homes, multifamily housing, including townhouses and condominiums and garden apartments, senior retirement facility, child development center, adult and children daycare, Church, Family Life Center, business-retail and service, recreation-community parks, and ball fields.
The first phase of Sinai Village has 40 units for senior housing
Sinai Village I & II:
139 new housing units to the community within
10 rehabbed units.
Phases III & IV:
Consist of townhomes, garden-style apartments, a community center with workout facilities, a park, athletic fields, commercial space, and for-sale family homes.
Mt. Sinai Development Corporation solely deals with Community Development, Economic Development and revitalization. That Partners with available resources to create effective solutions for developing the Winstanley Park neighborhood into a safe, healthy, identifiable community. That Provides additional resources for the community.
As people in the community partner with those willing to relocate into the urban community and work towards restoration, this will produce significant change. These are people who “Own” the problem and are capable of developing workable, sustainable solutions. Help from outside the community is critically needed. To be most effective, this assistance will combine with the resources and people within the community. Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church is located within the community and is dedicated to meeting long-term needs. Embracing relationships with people-to-people involvement enables us to move toward seamless coordination of services.

Our Purpose
Key Observations
The neighborhood Layout possesses many essential resources that will benefit the restoration process.
The large areas of vacant land and abandoned buildings provide opportunities to address the need for park and recreation facilities.
The new construction of a low-income senior housing project, New Salem Place and Sinai Village has provided a focus for the entire neighborhood.
The expansion of Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church and its ministries will provide even more stability for the neighborhood.
Holistic & Strengths-Base4
Our experience throughout the years shows that a combined holistic and strengths-based approach to restoration is the most effective change necessary. This method of building healthy, sustainable communities is facilitated by integrating the four basic “building blocks” of community development, building homes, building businesses, and building education within East St. Louis.
Partnering – A Necessity
We are seeking partners who will join and invest in the start-up and land acquisition costs. With the increased support, we will be even more effective in building healthy individuals, families, neighborhoods, and communities in East St. Louis, IL.